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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Arduino Uno

   So awhile back I was scrolling thru ebay and came across the electronic section. That being said soon after I discovered a very entertaining and new litttle hobby which I am forever thinking about new projects.

I ordered my first Arduino Uno micro controller asap. What is this you ask.

Well my friends this device allows for all sorts of electronic mayhem. From projects with leds to robotics the sky is the limit.

Here's a proper defintion for ya:

Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures microcontroller-based kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world.

So it took about 3 weeks delivery from ebay and I understood being it was being shipped from China. 

You will need a laptop in order to upload your sketches to the Arduino board. As well as jumper cords and a breadboard which I will dive more into accessories and other things you will need to get your arduino rocking. 

Anyways the reason this is the first of many of blogs to come is because I will be covering quite abit of arduino based projects and experiments. So subscribe the shitt outa me.

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